It’s been so long since I updated the blog – I’m sorry! I keep meaning to do it, but then get side tracked.
The good news is that summer is (almost) over. We managed to tough it out through the heat and humidity without owning the electric company! The nights and mornings are cooler now and sometimes even less humid. There is hope that the perfect weather of the winter will be here soon.
Let’s see, in September we hosted a birthday party for our little friend Mirtha. We were helping Joann and Patricia by watching the house and pool while they were gone and Sylvia was on vacation. We asked them if it was OK to have some friends over to swim and they said yes. We invited Alex, Karina and Mirtha to come for her birthday. We also invited Dennis and Jeanie. Jeanie was in the US so couldn’t come. Alex

Later in September we went to Texas for 2 weeks. M&M/Mars was having a party celebrating 30 years in Waco, and the Waco Wild West bike ride was the next week so we were able to be there for both things. We also spent time with my parents, went to my sister’s house, and saw my brother. Here's apicture of me, my brother Tom and my sister Mary.
We flew from Puerto Vallarta to Waco so it wasn’t a bad trip at all. We did a lot of shopping for ourselves and also for others. The airlines have a limit of 2 checked bags per person, 50 pounds each. We were right at the 50 pound mark on all of them. Among other things we bought were 3 pairs of work boots for the firemen.

Right after we got back it seemed so hot. People had reminded us that early October is hot, hot, hot and very humid. The A/C got a workout for sure.
That wraps things up through early October. The summer here was not boring, but there isn’t nearly as much going on as in the winter. That’s a good thing since the hot, humid weather encourages one to be very lazy!