Sunday, August 28, 2005

Philadelphia and Dallas


After the week in Myrtle Beach, we drove to Philadelphia to spend a few days at Debbie’s house. We packed 7 people and all the luggage in the van and off we went. Actually, packer extraordinaire Harold packed the van. Steve commented that even though we had more people and more luggage going north than they had going south, there was more room in the van.
The trip was uneventful. Mike, a former bus driver, did a great job of driving. A couple gas/pit stops, one stop for dinner and we were back to Pennsylvania.
Mostly what we did at Debbie’s house was eat, discuss where we were eating next and talk about what and where we had eaten.
We did get together with Harold’s Aunt Doris and Uncle Len. They are planning a trip to Italy, so we talked about traveling, caught up on what’s new with Harold’s cousins and had a nice visit. Another day we met one of Harold’s cousins, her husband, their two daughters and granddaughter for lunch. After lunch we spent a relaxing afternoon at the pool at the home of one of the cousins. The day was capped off by having a delicious ice cream cone at Thomas Sweets in New Brunswick, NJ, home of Rutgers University.
The few days we had in Philadelphia went by very quickly. We flew back to Dallas on Saturday afternoon.
Kelly and Deanna from the All Vallarta board had invited us to stay at their house in Grand Prairie. We got to their house and got settled in then went to the sports bar called Texan Station at the Gaylord Texan . It is a huge resort/conference hotel plopped down in Grapevine Texas. We tried several of the appetizers, several types of drinks and all the desserts. The whole place is huge! But then, this is Texas so what do you expect?
Sunday we met Deb and John for lunch. We all enjoyed the good food and the company. A surprise phone call came during our lunch. Everyone thought it would be Howard, but it wasn’t. Richard, from Oklahoma City, was calling to wish us well. How cool is that?
Well, after lunch we came back to Waco. Since the closing on the house was sneaking up on us, we had to get busy.

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