On Tuesday, we met Sandy and her sister Barb at the airport. They went to check in at the Eloisa. I felt like a concierge showing them how to run the AC, where the switches were for the lights and fans, and how to adjust the fans.
We went right over to the cocktail party at La Escondida, hosted by Dave. There was a big crowd and everyone was enjoying the chance to catch up with board members new and old. After the party, a group of us went to Encanto. We had never been there before. It was very good.
The next day was the annual pool party at the Velas, hosted by Howard and Vicki. PVDeb counted 69 board members and guests in attendance. There was a buffet lunch and the drinks were flowing! We were surprised that not many people went into the pool. The Velas is beautiful and everyone had a great time. After the party, we gave board member focsle (Mark) and his wife Linda a ride back to La Cruz. You can really see where the marina construction is taking place.
Sandy and Barb came to Bucerias to visit us on Friday. We gave them the two-peso Bucerias tour and then enjoyed a relaxing lunch at Adauto’s. By the time we got in gear and got into town, we almost missed the crowd at CyC. After happy hour, we joined several other board members for a delicious dinner at CafĂ© Bohemio. The food there is really good, and the owner Sol is a hoot! Everyone enjoyed their food and the company was super as well.

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