Part One –Monday August 14
A couple of weeks ago a grey striped cat starting showing up on the patio of our next door neighbor. The cat (male) looked amazingly like our cat (formerly female). On occasion, it would jump from the neighbor's terrace to ours, came into the house and consumed our cat's (Rosie) food.Harold made the “mistake” one morning of giving him a bowl of food, after hearing his sorrowful meow when I went outside. (We moved Rosie's food further away from the door, to a point where he would have had to cross a room in front of our two dogs). He became Harold’s new best buddy at that point.We finally decided to ask our neighbor if they had a new cat or was he just hanging around their house. The answer: "sort of".We asked if it would be OK to take the cat to a vet to check out one of the cat's eyes, which appeared to be severely injured.(We were also going to check on the price of making him an "it"). With a shrug of the shoulder, the neighbor indicated it was fine with them. Actually, she said - the cat is yours, and laughed.Right now, either Roosevelt (Rosie), Blinkie or Winkie is resting comfortably, under the circumstances, in our living room after having the two surgeries mentioned above at Dr. Oscar's. What a troop: 1 normal cat and dog, 1 3-legged dog and 1 one-eyed cat. Gotta love it!
Part 2 – Thursday August 17
An update on the kitty story.When we first posted this story, the cat was in fact resting comfortably in the living room. Shortly after that, the still nameless cat woke up. He came upstairs, hopped over the little baby gate we have to keep the dogs away from the cat food, and headed out onto our front balcony. He then disappeared into thin air! He didn't come back that night or the next day. We were beginning to think he ran away, someone picked him up, or who knows what else.We figured he was kitty history.Well.... this morning we had to get up very early to take a friend to the airport. We went outside and who was sitting on top of our wall than the cat. He jumped down off the wall and seemed to be fine. When we got back from the airport he was on the roof of our neighbor's carport. We could tell he had eaten.Then about 10 this morning, he vanished again.I think he's trying to tell us something!
This picture is Rosie, the cat who likes us.

1 comment:
He likes you, but he loves his freedom. Maybe you should name him "Ricky"
"They call call me the wanderer, yeah the wanderer"
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