Sunday, February 06, 2005

Tonala - PV

Once again, we got up, walked the dogs, put gas in the car and headed on our way to Puerto Vallarta, 211 miles away. The hotel was just off the autopista so we found our way out of town easily. We stopped at a 7-11 for donuts and coffee before getting on the toll road to Puerto Vallarta. The trip from this point was straightforward, as we had driven it before. We had great luck crossing the mountain passes and didn’t get stuck behind too many slow vehicles.
We took a quick detour to look at our house in Bucerias and arrived at Denny’s house. After a quick call home to my parents, we went to the house we are now living in. Denny, Barb and their renters helped us get the car unloaded very quickly. The owners weren’t expecting us until the next day, so the house wasn’t quite ready. Marta, the wife of the couple we are renting from, swept and mopped the house after we unloaded the car. The living room furniture was not there, it had been sent out to be reupholstered. It came back the next day. We still got settled in and began unpacking. For our first dinner in Puerto Vallarta we went to Vacas Grill. After dinner we went over to see Luis, Monika, Melissa and Rudy.

Trip highlights - 1,238 miles, 24 hours driving time including gas and walk stops, $90 US in tolls, total cost of our trip $420 US.

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