Wednesday, February 09, 2005

a week in Paradise

We’ve been here a full week now. We are all getting into the routine of getting up in the morning and going for a short walk before breakfast. The dogs usually get 3 or 4 short walks a day. They are learning about the other dogs in the neighborhood but it seems like ever day we see at least one new dog. Most of them look like they are fed and cared for. The kids in the neighborhood talk to us and the dogs, too.
Monday we took the dogs to Bucerias to the beach. We wanted to start out with a less busy beach than in town. We went to the area south of the Royal Decameron and it was pretty deserted. Many people walk up and down the beach so the dogs got some attention. They also barked at horses on the beach, chased birds and ran around a lot. Sarah eventually got so she would walk in the water part way up her legs. She would go back on the beach when a wave came. Fox ran through the water twice and then would have absolutely nothing to do with it. When we got home they both sacked out after all the running.

On Tuesday Harold went to the dentist to get his bridgework started. Dr. Raul seems very knowledgeable. Unlike our dentist in the US, once the Novocain took effect, the dentist worked on Harold without leaving the room to check on any other patients. Right now Harold has a temporary front tooth. Next week he goes back for more work.
We finally got Internet service at the house. Now at least we can check our mail, etc.

Wednesday we had another meeting of the committee for the RISE orphanage fundraiser. It should be a fun event. Chris, the chairperson, is a former teacher and you can tell by the way she keeps everyone on task.

This evening we went to Philo’s in La Cruz. Pam Thompson had told us about a couple who are attempting to sail around the globe and they were the featured speakers. They are also both legally blind! After their talk and a performance by the Marimba-playing family from Canada, we gave the sailors a ride back to the Marina. Tomorrow we are planning on visiting them at the Marina to see their boat before they go back to sea. You can read about them at

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