Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Back to the Old Blog

I have neglected my blog (and my blog audience) for too long! I will try to do better.

Let’s see, what has happened? Harold and I both worked on the committee organizing the RISE children’s shelter fundraiser in February. It was a lot of work, as those event s can be, but a big success. It is something we will do again next year.
We have also helped the Bucerias Children’s Library with several events. Right now, the library is in the process of building a new building, so money is needed for construction.
The library group has had a couple used book sales which have done well. People are very generous in donating their old books and buying some new reading material.
Another event that took place was a Gourmet Texas BBQ. Another success!

We’ve had some company, too. Our friends Jamie and Rob came in late February. They were our first official visitors that we had to plan for. Rob had just taken his law board exam and was ready to relax. Since neither of them had been to Puerto Vallarta before we gave them a sampler of the fun things to do in the area. I think they had a great time and said they would come back next year.

Our next guests were my Mom and Dad. No entertaining needed for them. We had a nice visit and did a little sightseeing. We also had a cookout and some friends over, which was lots of fun.

The next week, my friend Kitty came from Waco. She and I used to sit right next to each other at work. I was so glad she came to Puerto Vallarta. She came with her 14-year-old daughter, her 18-year-old senior in high school daughter and a friend who is also a senior. They stayed at an all-inclusive resort which turned out really well for the girls. Harold and I took them shopping one day and another day went and picked up Kitty and brought her over to the house. While I may not miss working, I do is some of my former coworkers – especially Kitty!

OK, enough for now!

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