Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Roving Reporters

When we moved to Bucerias, our friend Bob encouraged us to write some articles for an online publication he is affiliated with. That sounded fun, so we have been writing articles for the
Writing for the Banderas News is pretty much fun. There is no particular thing we have to write about, and no particular deadline for doing so. The drawback is – no pay either.
A couple months ago, we were approached by the Guadalajara Reporter about writing a twice a month column about Bucerias area activities. We figured we’d give it a shot so we are now official roving reporters.
We met with one of the publishers of the paper and went over the expectations and requirements. We also received very official looking press credentials complete with pictures!
So far, we haven’t had trouble finding material to fill the column. There are plenty of organizations having fundraisers, new businesses opening, events in town, and festivals to write about.
With our very official looking credentials, we have been able to get into some events as press people. One thing we went to was the Senorita Bahia de Banderas beauty pageant. We knew there was an admission charge so we thought what the heck, we will try the press badges. Once they determined we were reporters, we were directed to reserved parking and not charged admission. We wandered around looking for a seat, and were shown to the press table, which was right up front. Harold said he thought the idea of a front-row seat at a beauty contest was OK!
Recently, we went to a number of events associated with the Nautical Festival. I rode on the press boat in the opening boat parade. We have been to a couple dinners and a concert as well.
I have now been on the lookout for upcoming events and contacting them regarding press passes. Writing for the Banderas News and for the Guadalajara Reporter has encouraged us to attend some events we wouldn’t normally go to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back to blogging (and I hope you keep it up). The reporter gig sounds pretty sweet, are you going to get a hat that you can put your press pass in and do I have to start calling Harold "Scoop"? Should we call you "Scoopette"? or would that be "Scooperina"?
